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Tagged With: Seasoned Firewood

Simple Steps To Avoid Firewood Pests

Earlier this month our friends over at Triangle Pest Control wrote an article with some great tips on how to keep your home and firewod pest free. We thought since we are right in the middle of firewood season here in North Carolina it would be a great time to share these simple steps with … Continue reading »

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Best Burning Types of Wood for Firewood

When your looking for firewood there are two things you need to look for to be sure you are getting a great load of wood. The most important is the process and time used to season the firewood, which we discussed in our article on how we season our firewood. The second most important thing to … Continue reading »

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What is Seasoned Firewood?

At Mark’s Firewood we get asked almost every day if we have seasoned wood. It is a great question to ask when looking for good firewood supplier, but what does having seasoned wood really mean? There are a variety of definitions floating around out there some true and some not so true. So we decided … Continue reading »

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