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Is Pine Firewood Any Good?

If you live in North Carolina or even the south east for that matter you will notice one type of tree we are not short on is pine. Pine is a very a hardy tree that grows fairly quickly and is able to thrive in a wide range of soil conditions. Since pine is so easily accessible in the Charlotte … Continue reading »

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Simple Steps To Avoid Firewood Pests

Earlier this month our friends over at Triangle Pest Control wrote an article with some great tips on how to keep your home and firewod pest free. We thought since we are right in the middle of firewood season here in North Carolina it would be a great time to share these simple steps with … Continue reading »

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Great Local NC Web / Logo Design

We are quickly approaching the one year anniversay of starting our online presence here at Mark’s Firewood. It has been a incredible learning expierence that has become much more successful than we had ever hoped for. We are very thankful for all of our customers in the greater Charlotte area. None of this would have … Continue reading »

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